Toy Organization

It’s all too much

It’s all too much

I love the show Hoarders. It is that same sick fascination that causes people to slow down at accidents in order to take a quick don't want to look, but you just can't help yourself.After watching countless episodes, I have come to realize that these are...

A penny saved is a penny earned

I am so far from a financial expert it is not even funny, but I have learned a thing or two about managing money from my own huge mistakes, and my tight wad husband.Organizing your finances is a lot like organizing your home, I'd even say the two go hand in...

Suck it Public School System

Seriously. I have heard the complaints about schools getting so PC it's ridiculous, but it wasn't until today that I really got it. What the freakin' heck (I'm not swearing mom) is going on around here?  My daughter just started JK and today is her fourth...

Staging a Home

I was watching "Love it or List it" last night and I found myself getting super angry again. I don't watch a lot of television, but when I do, it is almost always decorating shows.  For some reason though, this particular show makes me so violently angry!...

15 great reasons to buy a Labeler!

I have a few gadgets around my home that make my life easier..aka..allow me to be extra lazy....I am in no way a gadget person, I am actually quiet technically challenged, but these few things I could not live without.My ipod touch. This thing is my pocket...

A “Duh” Moment

A “Duh” Moment

Have you ever had one of those "duh" moments when you do something so dumb, so absolutely retarded that you feel embarrassed just thinking about it? I have those daily. I come by it honestly, my mother and grandmother both suffer from the same condition. We all...